The Planner provides an extensive range of markers. You can choose > Planner > Settings > Marker to manage the markers provided by default or add your own markers if necessary.
Under > Planner > Settings > Marker, you can activate and deactivate individual markers or whole groups of markers. Note that only activated markers can be used for the planning elements.
You can also make customized marker groups with your own icons. The icons must be available in the formats GIF, SVG, or PNG. The recommended size is 16 x 16 px. In this case, too, only activated markers or marker groups can be used for planning elements.
To ensure that the icons are used correctly, you can provide each marker – regardless of whether they are included in the standard package or provided as a customized upload – with a short help text containing up to 255 characters. This help text is displayed to the user as a tooltip on Mouseover, for example in the elements tree, on the General and Tasks tabs in the detailed view, in dashlets, as well as on tasks in the calendar.